2021年 研究業績


  • Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin, Yasushi Shimada, Guoqing Wang, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami. Detection and analysis of early degradation at resin-dentin interface by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). J Dent, 106:103583, 2021/3, doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2021.103583
  • Kumiko Matsuzaki, Yasushi Shimada, Yasuo Shinno, Serina Ono, Kozo Yamaji, Naoko Ohara, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Masahiro Yoshiyama. Assessment of Demineralization Inhibition Effects of Dentin Desensitizers Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography. Materials, 14(8):1876, 2021/4/9, doi: 10.3390/ma14081876
  • Yuan Zhou, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada, Guoqing Wang, Junji Tagami, Xiping Feng. Evaluation of tooth demineralization and interfacial bacterial penetration around resin composites containing surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler. Dent Mater, 37(5), 849-862, 2021/5, doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2021.02.009
  • 神農泰生, 島田康史, 松﨑久美子, 横山章人, Sadr Alireza, 角 保徳, 田上順次, 吉山昌宏. 漂白歯面変化のSS-OCT評価. 日本歯科保存学雑誌, 64(4), 265-270, 2021.08, doi: 10.11471/shikahozon.64.265
  • 佐藤隆明, 田端倫子, 畑山貴志, 赤羽根広大, 佐藤綾花, 馬場雄大, 高橋礼奈, 井上 剛, 平石典子, 角 保徳, 島田康史, 田上順次. エナメル象牙境におけるエッチングの影響. 日本歯科保存学雑誌, 64(4), 271-278, 2021.08, doi: 10.11471/shikahozon.64.271
  • Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Guoqing Wang, Junji Tagami, Xiping Feng. Characteristics of biofilm-induced degradation at resin-dentin interfaces using multiple combinations of adhesives and resins. Dent Mater J, 37(8), 1260-1272, 2021/8, doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2021.04.007
  • Kozo YAMAJI, Akihito YOKOYAMA, Kumiko MATSUZAKI, Naoko OHARA, Tsutomu SUGAYA, Masahiro YOSHIYAMA. Effect of gelatin hydrogel containing BMP-2 on bone formation in aged rats. Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering, 19(1), 10-14, 2021/9, doi: 10.11223/jarde.19.10
  • Haruyama N, Yamaza T, Suzuki S, Hall B, Cho A, Gibson CW, Kulkarni AB. Leucine rich amelogenin peptide prevents ovariectomy-induced bone loss in mice. PLoS One. 2021; 16: e0259966.
  • Yuan H, Suzuki S, Hirata-Tsuchiya S, Sato A, Nemoto E, Saito M, Shiba H, Yamada S. PPARγ-induced global H3K27 acetylation maintains osteo/cementogenic abilities of periodontal ligament fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22: 8646.
  • Yamada S, Tsushima K, Kinoshita M, Sakashita H, Kajikawa T, Fujihara C, Yuan H, Suzuki S, Morisaki T, Murakami S. Mouse model of Loeys-Dietz Syndrome shows elevated susceptibility to periodontitis via alterations in transforming growth factor-beta signaling. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021; 12: 715687.
  • Suzuki S, Yuan H, Hirata-Tsuchiya S, Yoshida K, Sato A, Nemoto E, Shiba H, Yamada S. DMP-1 promoter-associated antisense strand non-coding RNA, panRNA-DMP-1, physically associates with EGFR to repress EGF-induced squamous cell carcinoma migration. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2021; 476: 1673-1690.
  • Hasegawa T, Suresh VV, Yahata Y, Nakano M, Suzuki S, Suzuki S, Yamada S, Kitaura H, Mizoguchi I, Noiri Y, Handa K, Saito M. Inhibition of the CXCL9-CXCR3 axis suppresses the progression of experimental apical periodontitis by blocking macrophage migration and activation. Scientific Reports. 2021; 11: 2613.


  • 吉山昌宏. From Intertational Journals 象牙質漂白後の象牙質石灰化動力学に及ぼす生理活性剤の効果. the Quintessence, 40 (1), Pp 232-, 2020/1/10
  • 島田康史. 光干渉断層計(OCT)の保存領域における応用. 日本歯科保存学会雑誌, 64(1), Pp 36-38, 2021/2
  • 角 保徳, 島田康史, 田上順次. 新しい画像診断法 光干渉断層画像診断装置「オクティナ」 その特徴と臨床応用について. 日本歯科評論, 81(4), Pp 95-102, 2021/4
  • 佐藤奈月, 吉山昌宏. From Intertational Journals 光照射距離と照射時間がコンポジットレジンの微小曲げ強さに及ぼす影響. the Quintessence, 40 (7), Pp 234-235, 2020/7/10
  • 吉山知宏, 吉山昌宏. From Intertational Journals 修復物表面の処理方法がエナメル質と象牙質の接着強さに及ぼす影響. the Quintessence, 40 (9), Pp 229-231, 2020/9/10
  • 吉山昌宏, 高橋圭. わだい「齲蝕制御材料の新展開」 ケアダインレストアの特徴と臨床応用. 日本歯科理工学会誌, 40(3), Pp 193-196, 2021/9
  • 吉山昌宏, 大原直子. 特集2 コンポジットレジン,1ステップか,2ステップか? PART2 接着性と耐久性重視の従来の2ステップボンディングシステムと新規2ステップボンディングシステム. the Quintessence, 40 (10), Pp 72-77, 2021/10/10
  • 頼田亜沙佳/松﨑久美子/吉山昌宏. FROM INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 異なる構造の歯質に接着されたバルクフィルコンポジットレジンの微小漏洩に対して抗菌消毒剤が与える影響. the Quintessence, 40 (12), Pp , 2021/12/10